in the original Roman calendar (which only had ten months), the first four months had names unconnected to their position (Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius), but the rest of them were named for their order: Quintilis ('the fifth'), Sextilis ('the sixth'), September, October, November, and December. later, January and February were included, when it was realized that the months were falling out of step with the seasons, and Quintilis and Sextilis were renamed July and August after the emperors Julius Caesar and Augustus.
so, there you go, these are little known facts that now you know!
27 April 2009
my predictions...
one of my goals this year is to be a better baseball fan.
growing up, family members have modeled how to be a faithful sports fan, sticking with one team for better or for worse. professional football and baseball have been the main two sports, although locally my family roots for Fresno State teams. the family really strives to attend at least one professional game a season, and of course catch every game on television. I have wonderful memories of my uncles and grandpa coming over to our house after church or on Monday nights to huddle around the TV, enthusiastically watching a game. and the television screen does not stop us from yelling. my father, above all, loves to "talk" to the referees and let them know the quality of their officiating. (my sisters and I have told him that when he retires he needs to become a ref to correct all of the mistakes he's seen throughout the years.)
being a California native, my allegiance lies with the San Francisco Giants and 49ers. this year I am making it a habit to follow more closely Giants baseball, because I have a confession: last season I did not attend one live game or have memory of watching one full televised game. "WHAT?! how can you say you are a baseball fan?!" I know! I was terrible! that is why I am making up for it this season. though I cannot watch any live game from DC (without buying a game-watch subscription though, I have been monitoring online how the great team is doing and am feeling a lot more hopeful about Katelin & baseball's relationship this year. so far the Giants have done alright: we had a great opening, and then lost several in a row, mostly to other CA teams. but it's early in the season; momentum will pick up.
with that said, I want to make an early season prediction for the 2009 World Series. I have never done this before, but thought it would be fun to write down two teams and then check back 5 months later to see how I did. though I would LOVE for the Giants to make the Series, my prediction reflects the two teams that have the best record so far. it may not be a great strategy, but we'll see.
Katelin's pick for the 2009 MLB World Series:
representing the American League with a starting record of 14-6: Toronto Blue Jays
representing the National League with a starting record of 13-6: St. Louis Cardinals
I am probably way WAY off, but wouldn't it be wild if I was correct?! hopefully my family will still talk to me after not putting the Giants into the prediction. maybe the Giants will pick it up, utilizing their pitching staff and hitter? maybe... stay tuned!
growing up, family members have modeled how to be a faithful sports fan, sticking with one team for better or for worse. professional football and baseball have been the main two sports, although locally my family roots for Fresno State teams. the family really strives to attend at least one professional game a season, and of course catch every game on television. I have wonderful memories of my uncles and grandpa coming over to our house after church or on Monday nights to huddle around the TV, enthusiastically watching a game. and the television screen does not stop us from yelling. my father, above all, loves to "talk" to the referees and let them know the quality of their officiating. (my sisters and I have told him that when he retires he needs to become a ref to correct all of the mistakes he's seen throughout the years.)
being a California native, my allegiance lies with the San Francisco Giants and 49ers. this year I am making it a habit to follow more closely Giants baseball, because I have a confession: last season I did not attend one live game or have memory of watching one full televised game. "WHAT?! how can you say you are a baseball fan?!" I know! I was terrible! that is why I am making up for it this season. though I cannot watch any live game from DC (without buying a game-watch subscription though, I have been monitoring online how the great team is doing and am feeling a lot more hopeful about Katelin & baseball's relationship this year. so far the Giants have done alright: we had a great opening, and then lost several in a row, mostly to other CA teams. but it's early in the season; momentum will pick up.
with that said, I want to make an early season prediction for the 2009 World Series. I have never done this before, but thought it would be fun to write down two teams and then check back 5 months later to see how I did. though I would LOVE for the Giants to make the Series, my prediction reflects the two teams that have the best record so far. it may not be a great strategy, but we'll see.
Katelin's pick for the 2009 MLB World Series:
representing the American League with a starting record of 14-6: Toronto Blue Jays
representing the National League with a starting record of 13-6: St. Louis Cardinals
I am probably way WAY off, but wouldn't it be wild if I was correct?! hopefully my family will still talk to me after not putting the Giants into the prediction. maybe the Giants will pick it up, utilizing their pitching staff and hitter? maybe... stay tuned!
22 January 2009
Inauguration Festivities 09: Obama's Swearing-In Ceremony
what a wild day! it has been difficult, both physically and mentally, to get back into the swing of my normal daily responsibilities. this whole weekend was just so wonderful!
I had planned on going to the Mall to watch the swearing-in ceremony with the estimated 2 million people, snow or shine, sickness or health. I was determined not to have any excuse to miss such a historical event. all weekend, my housemates and I had been checking the Secret Service website to know how to effectively get down to the Mall, what was allowed inside the Mall, and how to out-smart the natives and tourists all trying to attend the event. with my housemates and house guests riding bikes downtown, I left the house a little earlier to be able to walk down with enough time. wow! even at 8am there were THRONGS of people out, all making their way down to the Mall. it seriously felt like a mass exodus: everyone had the same goal, all determined to get there and not be left behind. though it was pretty cold, everyone was happy, shouting to friends walking along the street. some of the downtown streets were blocked off to car traffic, which added a great sense of empowerment for walkers. the whole street was ours!
I met my group at the 18th street entrance to the Mall, the same place where I had watched Sunday's concert, but looking in a different direction! we settled in front of a jumbo screen just north of the Washington Monument along the White House street side. in front of us was 2 more miles of people and grass, all looking towards the Capital. while we waited the 3 hours before the ceremony, we were getting radio updates as to the whereabouts of Obama. it seriously felt like we were stalking a celebrity, so obsessed about his activities, which is a much different interest compared to our last president.
finally it was time for the ceremony. it was great to watch the screen footage of each senator and representative behind the scenes before they were announced to the crowd. most didn't know the camera was on them! the people gathered around us were very vocal in support for different people. everyone cheered to see the past presidents arrive and the adorably-dressed Obama girls. when Obama walked through the hallway, he gave a different kind of energy in the crowd. one could sense the anticipation in air that this day had finally come! walking down the hall, it looked like Obama was trying really hard to keep a big smile from coming around his face, almost like he was trying to keep his cool, to not be too overwhelmed by emotions. while he was trying to stay serious, the crowd instead had gigantic smiles! many in our section were singing and dancing together, jumping around for warmth and energy.
the whole ceremony itself was like a dream. we all were so glad this event was actually happening, finally happening. we were so thankful that the change of power in our country was a peaceful transition, that millions of people were able to come together and celebrating civilly without major commotion. Obama's speech was uhMAEzing, so powerful and direct. I appreciated that were was no hiding to the American people that there are many things that need to change in our country, but not without Obama's emotional pledge to personally see to it that those changes would become reality. it was incredible to witness such a historic event first hand. even with the cold, wind chill, and tired legs, I am so thankful that I was there for the 56th Inauguration day, witnessing the 44th president of the United States, our first African-American president take the oath of office and pledge national renewal. so incredible!
I had planned on going to the Mall to watch the swearing-in ceremony with the estimated 2 million people, snow or shine, sickness or health. I was determined not to have any excuse to miss such a historical event. all weekend, my housemates and I had been checking the Secret Service website to know how to effectively get down to the Mall, what was allowed inside the Mall, and how to out-smart the natives and tourists all trying to attend the event. with my housemates and house guests riding bikes downtown, I left the house a little earlier to be able to walk down with enough time. wow! even at 8am there were THRONGS of people out, all making their way down to the Mall. it seriously felt like a mass exodus: everyone had the same goal, all determined to get there and not be left behind. though it was pretty cold, everyone was happy, shouting to friends walking along the street. some of the downtown streets were blocked off to car traffic, which added a great sense of empowerment for walkers. the whole street was ours!
I met my group at the 18th street entrance to the Mall, the same place where I had watched Sunday's concert, but looking in a different direction! we settled in front of a jumbo screen just north of the Washington Monument along the White House street side. in front of us was 2 more miles of people and grass, all looking towards the Capital. while we waited the 3 hours before the ceremony, we were getting radio updates as to the whereabouts of Obama. it seriously felt like we were stalking a celebrity, so obsessed about his activities, which is a much different interest compared to our last president.
finally it was time for the ceremony. it was great to watch the screen footage of each senator and representative behind the scenes before they were announced to the crowd. most didn't know the camera was on them! the people gathered around us were very vocal in support for different people. everyone cheered to see the past presidents arrive and the adorably-dressed Obama girls. when Obama walked through the hallway, he gave a different kind of energy in the crowd. one could sense the anticipation in air that this day had finally come! walking down the hall, it looked like Obama was trying really hard to keep a big smile from coming around his face, almost like he was trying to keep his cool, to not be too overwhelmed by emotions. while he was trying to stay serious, the crowd instead had gigantic smiles! many in our section were singing and dancing together, jumping around for warmth and energy.
the whole ceremony itself was like a dream. we all were so glad this event was actually happening, finally happening. we were so thankful that the change of power in our country was a peaceful transition, that millions of people were able to come together and celebrating civilly without major commotion. Obama's speech was uhMAEzing, so powerful and direct. I appreciated that were was no hiding to the American people that there are many things that need to change in our country, but not without Obama's emotional pledge to personally see to it that those changes would become reality. it was incredible to witness such a historic event first hand. even with the cold, wind chill, and tired legs, I am so thankful that I was there for the 56th Inauguration day, witnessing the 44th president of the United States, our first African-American president take the oath of office and pledge national renewal. so incredible!
19 January 2009
For Now...
*from the wise mouths of the Avenue Q puppets...
Everyone's a little bit unsatisfied.
Everyone goes 'round a little empty inside.
Take a breath,
Look around,
Swallow your pride,
For now...
For now...
Nothing lasts,
Life goes on,
Full of surprises.
You'll be faced with problems of all shapes and sizes.
You're going to have to make a few compromises...
For now...
For now..
For now we're healthy.
For now we're employed.
For now we're happy...
If not overjoyed.
And we'll accept the things we cannot avoid, for now...
For now...
For now...
For now...
Only for now!
For now there's life!
Only for now!
For now there's love!
Only for now!
For now there's work!
For now there's happiness!
But only for now!
For now discomfort!
Only for now!
For now there's friendship!
Only for now! For now!
Only for now!
Only for now!
Is only for now!
Your hair!
Is only for now!
George Bush!
Is only for now!
Don't stress,
Let life roll off your backs
Except for death and paying taxes,
Everything in life is only for now!
Each time you smile...
...Only for now
It'll only last a while.
...Only for now
Life may be scary...
...Only for now
But it's only temporary
Everything in life is only for now.
Everyone's a little bit unsatisfied.
Everyone goes 'round a little empty inside.
Take a breath,
Look around,
Swallow your pride,
For now...
For now...
Nothing lasts,
Life goes on,
Full of surprises.
You'll be faced with problems of all shapes and sizes.
You're going to have to make a few compromises...
For now...
For now..
For now we're healthy.
For now we're employed.
For now we're happy...
If not overjoyed.
And we'll accept the things we cannot avoid, for now...
For now...
For now...
For now...
Only for now!
For now there's life!
Only for now!
For now there's love!
Only for now!
For now there's work!
For now there's happiness!
But only for now!
For now discomfort!
Only for now!
For now there's friendship!
Only for now! For now!
Only for now!
Only for now!
Is only for now!
Your hair!
Is only for now!
George Bush!
Is only for now!
Don't stress,
Let life roll off your backs
Except for death and paying taxes,
Everything in life is only for now!
Each time you smile...
...Only for now
It'll only last a while.
...Only for now
Life may be scary...
...Only for now
But it's only temporary
Everything in life is only for now.
18 January 2009
Inauguration 2009 Festivities: We Are One Concert
wow! this is going to be such a crazy weekend! authorities have been reporting that millions of people are planning on being in the DC area for this Inauguration and it definitely has shown! our neighborhood is full of people walking, biking, trying to find parking. it is so great to see people out and about, even though it is 19 degrees outside! (I am never hating complaining about a Fresno winter. walking to work in 12 degree weather is no fun! I'm never complaining again.)
to kick off the weekend of festivities before Obama's swearing in ceremony, there was a huge free concert on the "stage" of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall today to celebrate Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and the other amazing achievements of social justice advocates.
my view from the closest street before security check points:

the "stage" of the Lincoln:

the "We Are One" concert featured musical artists and actors singing songs and reading historical passages. I dashed as quickly as I could from church to get over to the Mall. I wasn't able to get through the security check point to be in the section closest to the Lincoln Memorial, but there were large, jumbo-tron screens set-up along the Mall towards the Washington Monument that projected the concert. my housemate Annabeth and I had difficultly finding a place to view the screen because we are so short! it is at moments like that where I wish I was a few inches taller to be able to see over people!

Denzel Washington opened the concert with a reading on the theme "We Are One."

Bruce Springsteen sang his newly famous song "The Rising."

Mary J. Blige sang an uhMAEzing version of "Lean On Me." people around us were singing, dancing, and clapping in celebration! such life and love to share!

even Steve Carrel was a presenter! it was really hard to take him seriously, taking about the Civil Rights movement when my brain kept hearing Michael Scott!

U2 was a big highlight of the concert. the crowd was so energized during their song.

the screens showed Obama rockin' out a couple times and it made everyone laugh seeing him nod his head to the music.

one of the best performances, that I wasn't able to get a picture of, was Stevie Wonder, Usher, and Shakira singing "Higher Ground." Stevie is definitely someone that I want to see in concert.
an uhMAEzing two hour concert all celebrating the hopes and dreams of the American people and the next administration! so exciting!

trying to take a metro train back from the concert would have been a nightmare. instead of walked home, not too far, around 3 miles. on the way, conveniently, I stopped by the White House. my life is so different this year and I hope to learn about from 2009!
to kick off the weekend of festivities before Obama's swearing in ceremony, there was a huge free concert on the "stage" of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall today to celebrate Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and the other amazing achievements of social justice advocates.
my view from the closest street before security check points:

the "stage" of the Lincoln:

the "We Are One" concert featured musical artists and actors singing songs and reading historical passages. I dashed as quickly as I could from church to get over to the Mall. I wasn't able to get through the security check point to be in the section closest to the Lincoln Memorial, but there were large, jumbo-tron screens set-up along the Mall towards the Washington Monument that projected the concert. my housemate Annabeth and I had difficultly finding a place to view the screen because we are so short! it is at moments like that where I wish I was a few inches taller to be able to see over people!

Denzel Washington opened the concert with a reading on the theme "We Are One."

Bruce Springsteen sang his newly famous song "The Rising."

Mary J. Blige sang an uhMAEzing version of "Lean On Me." people around us were singing, dancing, and clapping in celebration! such life and love to share!

even Steve Carrel was a presenter! it was really hard to take him seriously, taking about the Civil Rights movement when my brain kept hearing Michael Scott!

U2 was a big highlight of the concert. the crowd was so energized during their song.

the screens showed Obama rockin' out a couple times and it made everyone laugh seeing him nod his head to the music.

one of the best performances, that I wasn't able to get a picture of, was Stevie Wonder, Usher, and Shakira singing "Higher Ground." Stevie is definitely someone that I want to see in concert.
an uhMAEzing two hour concert all celebrating the hopes and dreams of the American people and the next administration! so exciting!

trying to take a metro train back from the concert would have been a nightmare. instead of walked home, not too far, around 3 miles. on the way, conveniently, I stopped by the White House. my life is so different this year and I hope to learn about from 2009!

10 January 2009
a song in my head...
this song perfectly sums up my purpose for my work in DC for the year. while the work is challenging, I constantly remind myself that the end result is good and glorifies God.
"Koinonia" by V. Michael McKay
how can I say that I love the LORD
whom I've never, ever seen before;
and forget to say that I love the one
whom I walk beside each and every day?
how can I look upon your face
and ignore God's love?
you I must embrace!
you're my brother;
you're my sister;
and I love you with the love of my LORD.
"Koinonia" by V. Michael McKay
how can I say that I love the LORD
whom I've never, ever seen before;
and forget to say that I love the one
whom I walk beside each and every day?
how can I look upon your face
and ignore God's love?
you I must embrace!
you're my brother;
you're my sister;
and I love you with the love of my LORD.
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