04 July 2008

God Bless America Bless God

we see this inspirational phrase everywhere. "God Bless America" bumper stickers, t-shirts, posters, flags, buttons displayed daily and proudly by faithful Americans. during this holiday weekend, this phrase is uttered to friends, proclaimed in commercials and history specials. while I am proud to live in a country that has many freedoms, that is home to many different ethnicities and nationalities, I wonder if this phrase should be looked at another way...
"America Bless God." say that phrase several times for a while. "America Bless God."
that's a bold statement. sounds more like a command.
upon reflection though, while our country is not unified in religion, what if there was a great effort to come together to act as a nation that seeks to do good for the loving, larger God of the Universe?
how can America corporately act to reflect its love and appreciation for a god that brings such good to its people?
as I smile widely this night gazing at a dark sky lit with colorful fireworks, I will be singing my version of the beloved song, "America Bless God."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When America does something I am embarrassed about it sometimes makes me not proud to be an American. I have to catch myself an remember it is usually not the majority of Americans who have caused the wrong but usually a decision by the government. Not to let myself off the hook as I can be more vigilant about what the government does in my name but some of it(a lot) of it is done in secret) so it is not all transparent.
When I see the American flag I try to remember the good thing and the good people in America and not the terrible things done in our name.
I do think the nation could do great things in God's name: lessen poverty, environment etc. I do think the religious America needs to work with the secular America on issues that we have in common and many good things will happen.